Scottish Cabinet Secretary visits City Building

As part of celebrating  the Real Living Wage, Michael Matheson, MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity visit City Building on Tuesday 6th November to speak to our apprentices.   Alongside our new Chair, Cllr. Allan Casey they heard first-hand the excellent opportunities available for our young talent to grow.





Apprentices provided with the tools for success

City Building has enhanced its reputation as one of the largest employers of young people in Scotland by offering permanent jobs to 97% of their graduating fourth-year apprentices.

More than 50 joiners, electricians, painters and plumbers have been retained in response to growing demand for City Building’s services within the city. In the first year since the joint venture with Glasgow City Council and Wheatley Housing Group City Building has enjoyed a notable surge in its workload as private and public clients continue to invest in refurbishment projects throughout the city.