Hire of Plant, Refuse Skips and Support Services, Contract Reference CBG174
City Building (Glasgow) LLP is seeking offers for: Hire of Plant, Refuse Skips and Support Services.
The contract will be awarded on the basis of a single source supply.
The contract will be for a period of two years with options to extend upto a further 24months at City Building absolute and sole discretion.
The full scope of the requirement is contained within the tender documents.
Failure to provide satisfactory evidence that all requirements as stated within the SPD are met and evidenced may result in disqualification from the tender process.
Bidders should refer to the document below for the SPD selection criteria
Hire of Plant, Refuse Skips and Support Services CBG174 SPD Guidance Doc
City Building (Glasgow) LLP is committed to maximising Community Benefits from its procurement activities. Contract performance conditions may relate in particular to Social, economic and environmental considerations and form a part of this tender
Award criteria will be based on the most economically advantageous tender in terms of the criteria stated in the tender documents.
This procurement initiative is being conducted through the Public Contracts Scotland Tendering portal: –
To access the tender documents for this contract notice, please click on the attached link. This will take you to the tender module. The project ID for this procurement initiative is 18899 ITT 40049
This will allow you to access and respond to the contract opportunity in a secure environment. Note: if you do not have a password for the tender module then you will be asked to apply for a login.
The on-line invitation to tender (SPD, Technical Envelope and Commercial Document) must be completed, uploaded and published on the Public Contract Scotland Tendering (PCS-T) portal. No later than 12 noon on Tuesday 14th September 2021
Late submissions will not be considered.