Construction and Trades Sub-Contractor Framework Contract Reference: CBG178

City Building is seeking to appoint a framework of suitably qualified and experienced sub-contractors to undertake such construction and trade works and services throughout the City of Glasgow, West Central Scotland as and when required. This may also include for works in Dumfries and Galloway.

The contract involves Eighty-Nine (89) lots and these are listed below.

Technical Lots

The Selection Stage is being conducted via the PCS–Tender national e-Tendering system with the Single Procurement Document – SPD being adopted. Please see link below. Full instructions are contained within the Tender Documents.

Applicants must demonstrate that they meet the minimum standards required and have the relevant financial status, insurances, accreditations, certifications, registrations, licences and health and safety procedures. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from the Framework.

Applicants must demonstrate that they have the relevant economic and financial capacity to undertake and complete the project.  Failure to provide satisfactory evidence that minimum standards are met may result in disqualification from the tender process.  Minimum levels of insurance employer’s liability insurance minimum 10 000 000 GBP, public liability insurance minimum 5 000 000 GBP, products liability insurance 5 000 000 GBP.

City Building can give no guarantee as to the value of work or the scope of work awarded to the Panels of Contractors for Construction and Trades once the Framework Agreement is awarded.

City Building is committed to maximising Community Benefits from its procurement activities.   Contract performance conditions may relate in particular to Social, Economic and Environmental considerations and form a part of this tender exercise.

Award criteria will be based on the most economically advantageous tender in terms of the criteria stated in the tender document

This procurement initiative is being conducted through the PCS–Tender national e-Tendering system:-

To access the tender documents for this contract, please click on the attached link. This will take you to the tender documents. This will allow you to access and respond to the contract opportunity in a secure environment. Note: if you do not have a password for the tender module then you will be asked to apply for a login.

The on-line tender documents must be completed, uploaded and published on the PCS-t portal. No later than 12 noon on 3rd October 2022

Late Submissions will not be considered.